Password has already been reset within the last
mins. Please check your email.
An email containing password reset instructions will be sent.
(If you do not remember your email, please contact your organization's account administrator)
Problems logging in?
Passwords are case sensitive, be sure your CAPS lock is not on.
Some characters may look similar, like O,o, and 0.
If you are an existing Press Ganey Online user who has never logged into the Improvement
Portal, please follow the login link above the
email field.
Use the Reset Password link and you will be provided
a different password via email. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not receive the email within 15 minutes.
Try copying and pasting the password from the email your received opposed to typing the password.
Client Support Desk
If you need further assistance, please email our Client Support Desk at [email protected].
Our business hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-8pm, EST. Please be sure to provide your client number/organization's name, email address, contact
information and details about your request.
Internet Connection Requirements
High-speed internet connection
Ability to access the following URLs through firewall:
Supported Browsers
Google Chrome latest version (Recommended)
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 8-11
Mozilla Firefox latest version
Apple Safari latest version
Software Requirements
Allowing cookies is required
Pop-up blockers must be disabled for
Ability to open/view PDF files [Adobe® Reader® v8 or higher recommended]
Ability to open/view Zip files [WinZip recommended]
1024 x 768 screen resolution or higher
Your registered email address belongs to a known Press Ganey competitor.